
To offer and present superior models, solutions and funding strategies for housing based on social values, technology, innovation and architecture, while providing attractive and sustainable financial investment returns for shareholders and investors.



Pioneering a development platform for housing in Canada and the World, aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with sound and sustainable financial strategies.  


A Smart Platform for Housing 

The vision of Urban + Future (U+F) is to establish a Smart housing platform to create real homes and present the concept of home as one of the fundamental elements that shape peoples’ life experiences.   

A home is a happy place where one can live, be loved, where memories are created and one of the essential necessities of human life.   

There is a serious gap between how the current development in the housing sector is trending as opposed to the full opportunities and possibilities that homes can provide.  U+F specializes in understanding and analyzing  the contemporary meaning of a home based on fundamental dimensions of architecture and quality of space.   

Historically, after the industrial revolution, opportunities and capabilities of architecture have not been fully utilized in housing and urban development in the world. Importantly, valuable architectural ideas are needed to create new windows and opportunities to add to the quality of space.   

U+F will be an innovator of this extraordinary spatial experience. Dwellings are containers of life that have a direct and immediate impact on the dwellers’ state of wellbeing and happiness. Architectural ideas when used correctly have the capacity to improve our settlements and homes.   


Housing and Sustainable Development Goals 

Cities can have a serious impact in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Considering that housing is one of the main components of a city’s built environment in both quality and quantity, it is fundamentally important for cities to rethink their current models of housing.   

U+F will use all dimensions of housing to create alternative models, aligned with SDGs, including energy efficiency, social dimensions, use of space among other important qualities.   

U+F will establish partnerships with academics and research institutions regarding their ideas and concepts on sustainable housing. Architects and urban professionals practice will be enriched through this global dialogue on sustainable housing.  

U+F will bridge the gap between theory and implementation. In this complex interaction, U+F believes that architects first need to translate fundamental ideas, concepts and approaches of SDGs into the architectural language and absorb them before the essence of social principles can be integrated with housing as the output.   

This is important because the narratives of such products must be presented within a real scale and practical way that conform to the contemporary architectural language.  



The use of technology is a significant criterion for the U+F which will be involved as much as possible.   

U+F will create contemporary places for living that provide added values for their owners, and the people who purchase those homes will benefit immensely as they are more than just a building to call home, but a place that enriches their lives. U+F will address the main challenges of conventional housing and use the opportunities that high-tech smart homes provide in both the present and post COVID-19 world.  


Places of Life and Identity  

U+F will create brilliant places of life that will entice everyone to participate in this experience. If there is a progressive mandate for a place or home, as a place of life, with a meaningful interpretation for home, this will be an interesting and attractive project for everyone to participate in. 
U+F will potentially create a contextual identity for cities and be introduced as part of urban identity in formal practice.  

U+F will facilitate interactions with the real estate markets and provide a valuable understanding of our senses and feelings about one’s place of identity and meaning of place. 

U+F projects will create positive impacts on the neighbourhoods and communities where the projects are being implemented. The projects will work in a way that will have those neighbourhoods be recognized by other cities, so that they too would be proud to adopt our projects that promote  a kind of regional land identity within their local communities and neighbourhoods.   


End User, Home Buyer 

U+F will have a direct interaction with people who really want to live in the buildings that are being designed for them, where they can have wonderful experiences of life, and work with them to create the homes that they want to live in for many years to come. 


Visionary Highlight for Future Housing  

U+F will help communities to rethink about the future of urbanism and provide examples of homes that will serve as benchmarks for the new generations. U+F will connect people, capital, and purpose to contribute to sustainable urbanization with the help of market and technology-based solutions.